If you wish to use a new card to make a withdrawal, you must have at least one successful deposit made using that card and verify the payment method or, if applicable, complete the detailed account verification. Funds deposited at Spin247 Casino can only be used to participate in the game. Thus, it is important that the amount deposited in the player account is run before any withdrawal is requested, according to the legislation in force, but also the terms and conditions of the site.
Articles in this section
- What is the minimum withdrawal?
- How long will it take for my withdrawal to be processed?
- How long does it take to receive the money after the withdrawal is confirmed?
- How do I add a new withdrawal card?
- How can I withdraw winnings?
- Will I have to send ID when I make a withdrawal?
- Where can I check withdrawal status and history ?
- Can I cancel a withdrawal?
- What wagering requirements do I have to meet before withdrawing bonus winnings?